Instructions Not Included Podcast

Ep.12 The Village We Build: Enlisting Your Support System for New Parenthood

Claude Season 1 Episode 12

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Ever feel like you're juggling a million things as a new parent? Imagine if you had an entire village to help lighten the load. In this episode of Instructions Not Included, we're breaking down the essential steps to build a robust support network that can transform your parenting experience. From listing everyone who might lend a hand to understanding your specific needs, we guide you through creating a community that rallies around you when you need it most. We emphasize that asking for help doesn’t show weakness—it shows strength and humanity. 

We also explore the emotional and practical benefits of a strong support system, highlighting how it can reduce stress, boost confidence, and provide much-needed emotional support. We challenge dads to think about who they can count on beyond their partner and what specific tasks they could use help with during the newborn phase. Not to forget, we discuss the importance of reciprocity and showing gratitude to those who assist you. Join us as we uncover how to make sure you’re not alone on this incredible journey of parenthood, creating a nurturing environment for your whole family.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Instructions Not Included, episode 12. Today we're talking about the village we build, enlisting your support system for new parenthood. Let's get it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this dang car life doesn't come with a manual, it doesn't come with a way to go. We'll see you next time. Yeah, you can stretch. I swear right now, like Jay-Z, the blueprint. Ooh, now let me play one.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back parents. Today, on Instructions Not Included, we're talking about the importance of building a support network around your family, about the importance of building a support network around your family. Parenthood can be overwhelming, but having a strong support system can make all the difference. Let's get real parenthood is a full-time job and sometimes it feels like you're juggling millions of things at once. That's why building a support system is crucial. Think of it like assembling your own little village, ready to rally around you when you need it most. Here's the deal. Building your village isn't about being lazy or passing the buck. It's about recognizing that you're in this together and sometimes you need a helping hand just to keep things afloat. So how do you build your village? Well, let's break it down. Number one start with a list. Make a list of everyone who might be able to help. Think family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and even local support groups and services that can help lighten the load. Number two know your needs. Figure out exactly what kind of support you need. Is it childcare, is it a chore or an errand, meal prep, emotional support or just someone to talk to? Now, fellas, don't let your pride get in the way with talking things out with someone you trust. This could be a family member, a friend, co-worker Although, as men, I know we tend to walk around with that S on our chest, absorbing anything that's thrown at us. I just want to let you know, man to man, receiving emotional support doesn't make you weak. It just proves you're human.

Speaker 1:

Number three reach out. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to neighbors, co-workers or even other parents in your communities, those that you trust. You might be surprised how many people are willing to lend a hand. Just use your intuition. You got this. Number four utilize online resources. There are tons of online communities and support groups for parents. Connect with others who understand what you're going through. Number five give and take. Remember building a support network is a two-way street. Offer support to others when you can, and you'll be surprised by the support you receive in return. Number six show your gratitude, no matter if it's a simple thank you, a gift card, some money, a favor in return, express your gratitude to those who support you. A little appreciation goes a long way.

Speaker 1:

The power of community. A strong support network can provide emotional support, practical help and a sense of community. Here's why it's so important. For one, it could reduce stress Having people to rely on can help ease the stress and anxiety that comes with parenthood. Increased confidence Knowing you have a support system can boost your confidence as a parent. Shared experiences Connecting with other parents can help you feel less alone and understand that everyone faces challenges. Emotional support Having people to talk to can help you process your emotions and find support during difficult times.

Speaker 1:

Practical help A strong support network can offer practical help with the things I spoke of earlier, such as meal prep, child care or even some errands. Quick quote it takes a village to raise a child. African proverbs Remember, dads, you're not alone in this journey. Building a strong support network can make a huge difference in your parenting experience. And, of course, before I get out of here, as always, questions for the dads. Question number one hey, dads, other than your partner, who are some people in your life that you can rely on for support after your baby arrives? Question number two what specific task or chores would you like help with during the newborn phase? Would you like help with during the newborn phase? And question number three how can you create a supportive environment for your partner, especially if she's feeling overwhelmed? Building your village is essential for thriving as a parent, don't be afraid to ask for help and remember to express your gratitude to those who support you, as well as offer your support to those who may need you.

Speaker 1:

As I close out, since we're on the subject of support, I'd like to hear from you how can Instructions Not Included be a part of your support network. Are there any specific topics you'd like us to discuss on our podcast, or maybe you have your own parenting experiences to share, or even expertise that you'd like to offer our guests on the show? We'd love to expand our support network and hear from you. We're also always looking for ways to improve the show and our listeners. Feedback is invaluable. Additionally, if you'd like to support our podcast and help us with creating great content, you can visit our Buy Me A Coffee link that's listed in the description or just scan the QR code. Every contribution, big or small, helps us keep Instructions Not Included running strong. Subscribe to Instructions Not Included for more dad-centric advice and support. Share your experiences with building your support network in the comments below. Let's create a strong community of supportive parents together. Thanks for watching. Until next time. Sweet fight baby.

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