Instructions Not Included Podcast

Ep.9 The Magic of Soothing Cries: A Dad's Guide to Calming Your New Baby

Claude Season 1 Episode 9

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Ever wondered if there's a hidden meaning behind your baby's cries? Tune into this episode of Instructions Not Included, where we unlock the secret language of baby cries based on Priscilla Dunstan's theory. We'll guide you through identifying whether your baby is hungry, tired, uncomfortable, or just needs some cuddling. Get ready to become an expert in decoding those heart-wrenching wails with practical tips on how to address each need effectively and compassionately.

But that's not all—we'll also equip you with essential soothing techniques that every new dad should have in their arsenal. From the calming effects of skin-to-skin contact and gentle rocking to the magic of white noise, you'll find multiple ways to comfort your little one. Plus, we emphasize the importance of patience, self-care, and teamwork with your partner. Listen, share your thoughts in the comments, and join our supportive community. You're not alone on this journey; you're doing a great job, dad!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Instructions Not Included. This is episode nine the Magic of Soothing Cries. This is a dad's guide to calming your new baby. Let's get it. Yeah, this dang car life doesn't come with a manual. It doesn't come with a way to go. The instructions not included. Stay tuned any topics we discuss, we can use it. And this dang car life doesn't come with a way to go. It doesn't come with a manual. Yeah, you can search. I swear back now Like Jay-Z, the blueprint parenthood soothing a crying baby.

Speaker 1:

Soothing a crying baby. Yes, it can seem like a never-ending battle, but trust me, you do have the power to be your little one's ultimate comforter. First off, let's start by decoding the cry. Let's talk about those baby cries. Look, they can be a symphony of needs hunger, discomfort, tiredness or simply wanting to be held. Here's some tips to help you decipher those cries. Observe the cry. Is it a high-pitched cry, a low-pitched cry, a whine or a gurgling sound?

Speaker 1:

In 2006, oprah Winfrey featured a guest on her show by the name of Priscilla Dunstan, a woman who said she had unlocked what she calls the secret language of babies. It said that this language can be heard within the first three months after your baby is born. The five sounds include Neck, which is hungry. Ow, which is sleepy. He Equals discomfort. Air. He, he Equals discomfort. He, he, he, he, he, he, air. I know what that means. Yeah, you know what that is. That means air Means lower gas, air, air, air, air, air, air, air, air, air, air. And F equals bird. Ah.

Speaker 1:

Since this theory, several parents have found these crying cues to be very helpful. However, some parents weren't able to identify the sounds and deemed this technique to be useless for them. However, I do believe this is a great starting point, but just know that each cry might have a different meaning. Check the basics. Is your baby hungry, tired or has a dirty diaper? Rule out these common culprits. First, trust your instincts. You know your baby better than anyone. Go with your gut and try different soothing techniques. Remember every baby is different, so what works for one might not work for another. Here's some ideas the power of touch, skin-to-skin contact, gentle rocking or swaddling can be incredibly soothing. White noise, machine, soft hum or pacifiers and soothers. These could be helpful for some babies, but avoid them if your partner is breastfeeding, just to prevent that nipple confusion.

Speaker 1:

The art of distraction Sometimes the change of scenery or playful interaction can distract your baby from their discomfort. Patience is key. Remember, dads, soothing a crying baby takes patience. It might feel like an endless loop, but your calm presence is crucial. Don't hesitate to ask for help from your partner or other family members if you need a break.

Speaker 1:

Quick quote the most important thing a father can do for his children is love their mother. Theodore Hesburgh. Children just love their mother. Theodore Hesburgh. Dads the ability to soothe a crying baby is a superpower. It builds trust, strengthens your bond and creates a sense of security for your little one. You've got this, dads.

Speaker 1:

Of course, before I get out of here, as always, questions for the dads. Question one dads to be, what are your biggest fears about soothing crying baby? Question number two how do you plan to balance soothing your baby with your own needs for rest and self-care? And question number three what are some creative ways you can involve your partner in the soothing process? Remember, dads, every baby is different and what works for one might not work for another, but don't be afraid to experiment and find out what soothes your little one. So keep going. I'm proud of you. You're doing a great job. Don't forget to like and subscribe to Instructions Not Included for more dad-centric advice and support. Also share your soothing techniques and tips in the comments below. Other than that, I'll see you next time. That's why we say I and I. There's a unity thing. No, I need to. You're all one Sweet fight baby.

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