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Ep.7 The First Few Days: Dads' Guide to Newborn Survival (Sleep Deprivation, Feeding Routines, Skin-To-Skin Bonding)

Claude Season 1 Episode 7

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Struggling with sleepless nights and endless diaper changes? Discover proven strategies to conquer the chaos of the early days of newborn parenthood. We'll walk you through the essentials—from the magic of power naps and the importance of teamwork in night shifts to creating a sleep-conducive environment. Plus, get expert tips on how to navigate feeding routines, master the art of burping, and recognize those subtle hunger cues that keep your baby content and well-fed.

But that's not all—our episode also highlights the deeply emotional power of skin-to-skin bonding. Find out how this simple yet profound practice can not only create a lasting connection with your newborn but also support their physical well-being. And dads, don't forget about self-care: maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and finding moments of relaxation are crucial for your overall well-being. Tune in for these insights and more, because your love and support are invaluable to your baby's life. You've got this, dads!

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Speaker 1:

All right, we're back. Episode seven, the first few days, dad's guide to newborn survival. We're talking sleep deprivation, feeding routines and skin to skin bonding. Let's get it. We'll see you next time. Welcome back, dads. So your little bundle of joy has arrived and you are officially in the trenches of newborn parenthood. Well, congrats. But let's face it the first few days crazy, right? Emotions going haywire, sleep deprivation and endless diaper change. It just doesn't stop. But trust me, dads, you got this. Today, we're diving into newborn care and offering some tips to help you survive and thrive within these early stages. Let's check it out.

Speaker 1:

Sleep deprivation is a common theme in the early days of parenthood. So let's talk about some strategies to help you and your partner get through those long nights. Now, keep in mind this is an ideal situation where both parents live together. So, for starters, let's talk teamwork. Ever heard the phrase teamwork makes the dream work. Well, that applies here too, because there's not much dreaming if you can't sleep right. So I highly recommend applying some teamwork. I mean, if possible, look, do what you can to apply that teamwork, but share the night shifts with your partner to ensure you both get some rest throughout the day.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk power naps. Take advantage of short naps whenever possible just to recharge your batteries. But keep in mind it was your partner that pushed out your little bundle of joy and she has been carrying your baby for months already. So why not double it, man? Let her rest if possible. Look, I know some places of employment may offer parental leave, so if yours does, take full advantage of it. If not, still find something you can put on hold to spend time with your new baby. You can put on hold to spend time with your new baby. Enjoy this time with your baby, but still get those power naps in whenever you can and get right back at it. Trust the bond that you make early can create a lasting emotional connection between you and your child.

Speaker 1:

Create a sleep conducive environment. Some would say keep the room dark, quiet and at a comfortable temperature. As far as the comfortable temperature, I agree, but not always. A dark, quiet room is best for a sleeping baby, because the slightest noise could easily wake them up. So from experience, I actually prefer carrying on with your day as normal so your baby can get used to its environment and the sounds around it. But when it's time to sleep, I do suggest either using a white noise or sound machine maybe a smart speaker, something like that that could continuously play some type of relaxing sound. This is to prevent your baby from having a jump scare. This could happen with a single ring of a doorbell, bark of a dog, someone just flicking a light on you know, now there may be times where you have to turn your child's sleeping pattern around, especially if they begin to sleep more throughout the day and then they're up all night. So I will be covering the art of the turnaround in another episode, so stay tuned for that one.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about self-care. Remember to prioritize your own well-being. Eat healthy, stay hydrated and find ways to relax when possible, whether it's reading a book, watching your favorite show, anything that will help you relax. Let's talk about feeding for a sec. Feeding your newborn can be a daunting task, whether you're bottle feeding or supporting your partner with breastfeeding. Here's some tips. Master the burp. Burping your baby after each feeding can help prevent spitting up and discomfort. Birthing your baby after each feeding can help prevent spitting up and discomfort. Pay attention to your baby's hunger cues such as rooting, sucking on fists or crying. Patience is key. Feeding can be messy and time-consuming, but remember every successful feed is a small victory.

Speaker 1:

Skin-to-skin bonding Beyond the practicalities of feeding and changing diapers, it's important to focus on the emotional connection with your baby. Skin to skin contact is always a powerful way to bond with your newborn. It helps regulate their body temperature, promotes breastfeeding and can calm a fussy baby. Remember, dads, you are an essential part of your baby's life. Your presence, love and support are invaluable. Quick quote a father is a son's first hero and a daughter's first love. Hey, dads, the first few days might be challenging, but they're also filled with incredible moments. Cherish them and remember you're doing an amazing job.

Speaker 1:

Of course, before we get out of here, as always, questions for the dads. Question number one Dads, what strategies have you found helpful for coping with your sleep deprivation during the newborn phase? Question number two how do you plan to balance your own needs with the needs of your newborn? And question number three what are some ways you envision bonding with your baby during those early days? Share your newborn survival tips in the comments below. Let's create a supportive community for new dads and don't forget to like and subscribe to instructions not included for more dad-centric advice. See you next time. I and I. That's why we say I and I. There's a unity thing. No, I unity, we are all one Sweet fight baby.

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